Abhishek Singh

I am a

I’m a final year student in Information Technology with a zeal to solve problems through technology for the betterment of society. Passionate about software development engineering. Well versed with data structures & algorithms and proficient in full stack(MERN) web development. In my free time, you can catch me watching movies and web series, reading novels, solo riding or doing competive programming.

Currently looking full time role as a Software Developement Engineer to broaden my horizon in the field of technology.

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Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Lucknow

Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology

2019 - 2023

Ratan Sen Inter College, Bansi

Senior Secondary Education, Class 11 & 12

2015 - 2017

Sardar Patel Rashtriya Inter College, Bansi

Secondary Education, Class 10

2014 - 2015




E-commerce Web-app

This is an E-commerce full stack website made using MERN Stack and Redux. This website includes features like register and login, search and filter, product rating and review, easy checkout and payment, navigation, dashboard access for admin to create and delete product, view all products, users, reviews, orders etc.

Source Code View Project

Real Time Code Editor

This is a real time code editor which has ability to sync code in real time among multiple users. It has been built using React.js, Express.js, Socket.io, Socket.io-client, Codemirror and uuid.

Source Code View Project

Weather web App

Weather app fetches Information like temperature, humidity, wind speed, sunrise, sunset from weather Api and and displays to users. This web app is made using React.js and Weather Api.

Source Code View Project

Agricultural Production Optimization

This is a predictive model to suggest the most suitable crops to grow based on available climatic conditions and soil requirements. It can help farmers to optimize agricultural production and minimize production cost. This project is made using Python and its libraries, Numpy and Pandas for data processing and analysis and Matplotlib and Seaborn for creating visualization.

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Codechef Programming Contest

Aug 2022

  • Ranked 327 in out of 2352 participants in Codechef Starters 51 Division 2.

Codechef Programming Contest

Nov 2021

  • Ranked 488 out of 4714 participants in C.O.D.E.R.S. Contest at CodeChef.

Codechef Programming Contest

October 2021

  • Ranked 81 out of 21400 participants in Codechef October Challenge 2021 Division 3.

Google KickStart

2021 & 2022

  • Participated in Google KickStart 2021(Round G & H ) and Google KickStart 2022(Round A, D & E ).